ChiltanPure Anti-Stretch Marks Lotion helps visibly improve the skin elasticity and prevents stretch marks that form before or after pregnancy or due to weight fluctuations. Our formula helps skin moisturize and supple, stretching the skin more easily.
What is Stretch Marks?
Stretch marks, technically called striae, indicate a breakdown in the skin?s elasticity as it stretches. They are indented streaks or colored lines on your skin and are common during pregnancy due to skin that expands and stretches and a result of weight gain and loss.
Why Use A Preventative Stretch Mark Lotion?
Stretch marks can develop on your breasts, belly, hips, butt, and thighs during pregnancy. The truth is, while there?s not a ton of research on the effectiveness of topical treatments, it?s easier to prevent stretch marks than to minimize them once they?re fully formed.
You can start to apply a stretch mark cream as a preventative measure for best results, begin as soon as you find out you?re pregnant, and continue after you give birth.
Using a stretch mark cream may not prevent or eliminate stretch marks, but it might help to make them less pronounced and noticeable by improving skin elasticity and smoothing your skin.
Who Is At Risk For Developing Stretch Marks?
The following are the reasons you develop stretch marks
Being a woman
Being a white person (having pale skin)
Having a family history of stretch marks
Being pregnant
Having a record of delivering large babies or twins
Having dramatic weight loss or gain
Using corticosteroid medications
The Benefits of Using ChiltanPure Anti-Stretch Marks Lotion
ChiltanPure anti-stretch marks lotion is formulated with Shea butter, coco butter, vitamin E, coconut oil which help in preventing stretch marks and has different benefits, which are as follow:
Making stretch marks appear to be smaller and lighter in color.
Evening out the tone of your skin.
Brightening and toning your skin so that it appears healthier and younger.
Smoothing the texture on and around stretch marks.
Moisturizing and hydrating your skin so that it is supple.
In addition to the above benefits, use dermatologist-recommended ChiltanPure anti-stretch marks lotion. So whenever you notice you have developed an unwanted stretch mark, ChiltanPure anti-stretch mark lotion is here to help you look and feel confident from the inside out.
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