Snapchat, the trailblazing social media platform that brought us the concept of disappearing stories, continues to captivate users worldwide. Despite the rise of similar features on other platforms, Snapchat remains a favorite among many for its unique offerings. If you’re a new user or looking to enhance your Snapchat experience, here are some lesser-known features you might not have explored yet.

  1. Snap Maps – Navigate the World

Unleash the power of Snap Maps to stay connected with your friends and explore the world in a unique way. Simply click on your Bitmoji character box, select Snap Map, and you’ll be able to see the location of your friends and share your own. Discover snaps from exciting locations worldwide by tapping on map hotspots or searching for specific places.

  1. Create Personalized Filters – Express Yourself Creatively

Take advantage of Snapchat’s marketing potential by creating custom filters that everyone can use. Whether it’s for personal events or business promotions, visit Snapchat’s website, click on Filters and Lenses, and let your creativity shine as you craft your unique filter.

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  1. Shazam Integration – Discover Music on the Go

Don’t let the catchy tunes you hear slip away without knowing their name or artist. Snapchat have you covered with its Shazam integration? When you encounter an intriguing song, press and hold the camera screen on the main page to let Snapchat’s Shazam feature identify the music for you.

  1. Add URLs to Your Stories – Share Web Content

Make your Snapchat stories even more engaging by attaching URLs to share exciting web content with your viewers. After taking a photo, click on the paperclip icon on the right side of the screen. Enter the desired URL, and click on the “Attach to Snap” option to seamlessly link websites to your stories.

As one of the pioneering platforms in social media, Snapchat continues to amaze users with its innovative features and engaging functionalities. From navigating the world with Snap Maps to expressing yourself creatively with custom filters, Snapchat offers a plethora of exciting options waiting to be explored. Embrace these lesser-known features and unlock the full potential of Snapchat to enhance your social media experience like never before. Happy snapping! Follow BrandHazir for more